2009年5月20日 星期三

5/21 凌晨例行維修 & 暑假活動預告

5/21 例行維修 一如往常
1. 沒有改版消息
2. 滅光戒指會換

Status Update - Tuesday May 19th, 2009

Greetings Lineage players!

I’m sure you all are wondering where the new content is and when the stat renewal update is coming. We have seen several delays while working on the latest update which have set us back a few months now. Our operations team has been working around the clock on updates for all of our NCsoft products and they continue to be incredibly busy. The good news is that we are bringing on a dedicated Lineage operations team member from Korea who is experienced in working with content updates for the game.

ok...就是說 他們太忙了 就是一直在為自己的拖延找藉口
當然 他們說會'盡快'改版... 當然我只能說加油吧 NC!
假設做不到 何必當時要信誓旦旦的做出承諾

What does this mean for Lineage? It is going to take us some more time before we will be able to bring this update to you. In the short term, we are going to move forward with the events that we have been planning and these will now be happening before the content update. We have begun work on the Karma event and are about to start planning for the next Boss Island event. We are planning both of these events for the summer months and will let you know as soon as we can what dates these will occur.

OK...也就是說 這裡也明確指出改版會拖很久
不過給棒子也會給糖吃 兩個活動暑假即將到來
1. BOSS島活動即將到來
2. 友好度活動即將到來
目前是規劃這兩個活動在暑假執行 假如大家有想法 請到官往討論區回覆
目前已經很多美國人在發表意見了 恩

We’d like to thank you all for your continued patience with this matter and hope that you’ll all take part in the upcoming events that we are working on.

= =謝謝我們大家的耐心等待

沒改版 有活動 不過NC還是比橘子好 這樣就欣慰許多